Sunday, December 16, 2007

I just HAVE to tell ya'll! Aren't these THE Cutest!!?

OK, I have been a little slow (translate, A LOTTA SLOW) getting to my blog to post lately, but ya see, I've got this little babe now that I have to really fight my way through the familial queue to get to! No, really, if it weren't for the fact that I am now the official family cow (and I say this with udder respect) I would get no face time with the guy. The other four kiddos (and I quote the five year old here) HOG him all to themselves!

Now back to business, not mine this time mind you, but that of the new Etsy shop "piddies" who has the mostest cute slippers!! I haven't done enough to encourage with shout outs the talented owners of Etsian shops I've seen but when I saw these little goldies and all the amazing birdies-

- man, I knew where I was going to start!
Have you ever seen such cute packaging too??? The goldfish are on blue shredded cellophane looking like they are swimming in a fish bowl while the birds are on shredded green paper "grass." HOW SMART!
The shop owner has just jumped on board with us at Etsy and I wish her the best success, but I know she won't need my wishing, these little creatures sell themselves! !
Please visit the shop and see for yourself all the great new listings she has- no really, GO NOW!

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